LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - The Clean Boats, Waters grant is an opportunity for any organization dedicated to boater education about aquatic invasive species and the protection of Michigan’s waterways.
Michigan State University (MSU) Extension is leading the effort to implement the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. Since 2006 the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program has been educating Michigan boaters about aquatic invasive species with trained volunteer boat inspectors.
The grant can be used for a variety of activities including signage, invasive species supplies such as plant removal tools, sponges, and towels, and staff time to perform watercraft inspections and demonstrations of boat cleaning techniques.
For the 2023 grant program, up to $25,000 is available. Funding requests can range from $1,000 to $3,000 and do not require a local match or cost sharing.
Over the last two years Clean Boats, Clean Waters has awarded 18 grants to lake associations, watershed groups, local units of government, and nonprofit organizations to educate the public about aquatic invasive species.
Examples of their projects are found below:
Eligible applicants include lake associations, watershed groups, local or tribal units of government, and non-profits. Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) are encouraged to support local groups in their area or pursue Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program funds to perform boater outreach activities.
Interested groups can apply for a grant now on the Clean Boats, Clean Waters website. The deadline to apply is December 16, 2022. This is a competitive funding opportunity and complete applications will be ranked based on eligibility, project significance, and overall strategy. Accepted grantees will be notified in March of their award.
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